Suite aux dernières déclarations de Vwmare concernant View 4:
“The only protocol designed and built ground-up for desktop. ICA/RDP are designed for applications not for desktop”
“Superior experience from LAN to WAN”
“Seamless desktop experience: rich media and graphics, multimedia, progressive build, productivity applications, USB”
“Flexible access from multiple devices”
Citrix a décidé d’engager Miercom, une société indépendante dans le benchmark réseaux.
Voici un extrait de leur conclusion:
• XenDesktop uses 64% less bandwidth than View 4 (with PCoIP) for typical desktop workloads
• XenDesktop uses 89% less bandwidth and 65% less CPU for Flash video when using our HDX MediaStream for Flash feature
• Overall, XenDesktop provides a better “Quality of Experience” as quantified by Miercom
• As a result, XenDesktop is significantly more capable of scaling and meeting end user requirements
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